Does the idea of a homemade BLT sandwich make you hungry, but you’re trying to cut back on the fat? The vegan version, made with tempeh instead of hot, greasy bacon, is delicious and totally low on fat. Instead of forking over your hard-earned cash to some vegan deli, why not make yourself a delicious sandwich at home?

Here’s a recipe for a Vegan BLT. If you’re packing your lunch to save money, you could put all of your ingredients in your lunch sack and then assemble your sandwich just before you eat. Your office mates will be totally jealous that you have a yummy sandwich and all they have for lunch is a Snickers bar and a Coke.

Vegan BLT Sandwich
(Makes 1 serving)

4 strips vegan bacon, cooked
4 slices of tomato
2 pieces of lettuce
2 pieces of whole wheat bread
vegan mayonnaise

1. Put a generous helping of mayonnaise on each slice of bread.

2. Place a piece of lettuce on each slice of bread. Then layer the bacon and tomatoes on top of the lettuce on one half of the sandwich.

3. Close the sandwich.

4. Enjoy!

In case you hadn’t noticed from the past few Stretch Your Food Dollar entries, I’m a big fan of packing a lunch. A vegan BLT also makes a great midnight snack when you get home from the bar and you need to eat something to avoid a raging hangover the next morning. This sandwich is so easy even a drunken idiot can make it. (Did I just reveal too much about myself?)

How about you? Are there certain lunch items that frequently show up in your lunch pack?