One of the ways that Surfgirl and I save money is by only having one car. This was a conscience decision to reduce expenses. It is also helpful that surfgirl is a SAHW (stay at home wife).

Even when we both had jobs, we tried to work it out that our schedules didn’t conflict so much with each other, allowing one of us to pick up the other. Though we may have spent the added money on gas going back and forth, we didn’t have the extra car payment or insurance payment, plus upkeep.

The upside is that we are in constant communication about our day and what is going on, and this allows us to be creative with our scheduling. The downside is that at times one car just doesn’t cut it. Primarily in the summer, fall season. Our solution was to get another vehicle, but not a car.

We went with a simple city friendly scooter that can zip me to and fro with the least amount of hassle and upkeep is minimal. Of course here it is only in use 6 months out of the year, which does help lighten the decision making process part of the year.

Unfortunately, the Dykes on Bikes organization probably won’t accept me, so I will have to put together my own road gang of gals. Perhaps I’ll name it Sapphics on Scooters. All in all, frugal living is about creativity and making the most out of the least.