Wikipedia defines devaluation as “an official lowering of the value of a country’s currency within a fixed exchange rate system.”

If you pay attention to the US mint, you’ll notice some slight changes. These changes hint at devaluing our money. The US Dollar Coin Act of 1997 mandates the phasing out the dollar bill. To appease a huge portion of the population during the transition, the US mint is issuing a series of Presidential dollar coins.picEdgeLettering_stack.jpg Have you seen them? They look like quarters! With these quarter-like dollars will we spend our money more freely? Will a dollar be the equivalent of a few cents, tossed around…just change?

It seems as though casinos are phasing out the use of change altogether. Paper bills are the rage. I have the opportunity to spend one weekend each year with my dad in Reno, Nevada. This year I noticed a difference. Some of the slot machines did not accept change. Sure there were still penny, nickel and quarter slot machines, but they only accepted dollar bills! The slots were closed.

I also noticed the casinos made the modification work for them two steps further. First, they lowered employee costs by eliminating change runners and staffing fewer cashiers. And they reduced equipment costs by removing change-counting machines.

Long gone are the days of nickel & dime and penny candy stores. Are dollar stores next?