three_flowers.jpgHow I became Frugal-
I would have to say I am one of the lucky ones, in that I grew up in a house where my Mom made things last and recycled what she could and my Dad fixed many things on his own. This was either out of necessity or convenience, depending on the situation.

As with many children, I don’t think I appreciated it until I moved out of the house and had to make the money stretch. Being an adult can be so very much fun {wink}! Since leaving the nest, I have remembered things that I saw or heard said growing up that have influenced my own attitude in becoming as frugal as I can be and still be comfortable.

Being frugal is an ongoing process and will mutate in it’s own way as I mutate through the stages of my life. But I think the biggest part of being frugal is the attitude and the decision to take it one step at a time just like anything in life.

What Frugal living is to me-
Personally, I view frugal living as living minimally with ‘stuff’ and making sure I can reuse as much as possible to cut down on the amount of things I buy. When I do buy items, I want them to be the best quality I can afford. Again, buying less often.

I am certainly not about to decline something given free, however, I don’t grab free items just because they are free, I may never use them, that is wasteful.

Philosophically, I want to gain the most from the least, I want to live the world around me, but take as little as possible. I overheard someone, that you don’t grow up until you shed your dependence on the items that disintegrate and hold on to the items that last a lifetime. This seems like some good words of advice or caution, depending on how you view it.

How do I go about being Frugal-
~It is living below your means; living on 80% of your pay instead of 100-110%
~It is being conscience of your spending and making sure it is a need and not a want
~It is giving yourself time to research the best deal so you don’t waste money
~It is seeing treasure in items with as much as you can imagine using your creativity

*It is not living a life you dread waking up to
*It is not thinking that money controls you, but instead you control it
*It is not about what works for you will work for everyone else

Because I live frugally, doesn’t mean I don’t spend money and don’t find enjoyment. I become more thoughtful about my decisions and how it will impact me in the future. I decide if this item is something I need or can use multiple times. Frugality is about restraint, discipline, finding the best value and using the item up till it can’t be used anymore.