We’re doing our best these days to cover a wider range of topics at Queercents. Two new writers have joined our fold’¦ one to address the ‘œpersonal’ part of personal finance and another writing for readers running small businesses. Please welcome them aboard as they kick off these series in the New Year.

Dating on a Budget: Tamara Boynton doesn’t consider herself to be an activist, but she has a big mouth, opinions to match, and loves to write. At That Gay Girl Tamara, this North Carolina-based freelance writer blogs about her relationships with her mother, lover/partner/girlfriend, and God. Now she’s coming on board at Queercents to write a series about how to date on a budget. Learn more about Tamara by clicking here.

Tips for Small Businesses: Dwayne Briscoe has lived in Houston for the past decade and during this time he took care of finances for various employers, before venturing out on his over 2 years ago to start his own company, Bookkeeping-Results, LLC. Dwayne has always worked in a variety of settings doing bookkeeping and QuickBooks training, for which he has become very passionate about teaching people the value of understanding finances.

Too many people do their best to ignore what’s right in front of them, which is why he’s excited to be a part of a growing movement to educate people about their money. He’s learned early on that people may stretch the truth, but numbers can never lie. Learn more about Dwayne by clicking here.