Post-Graduation life and financesGraduation may have been over a month ago for some people, but since I’m still attending graduation parties (my friends will use just about any excuse to get together and play ultimate frisbee), graduation can’t be too far in the past. In honor of graduation then, here’s a special student themed roundup that hopefully has a little something for everyone.

  • My brother just graduated high-school and is about to start his freshman year at an Ivy League school. Here’s some fantastic general advice for those about to start college themselves. (Read it at The Simple Dollar)
  • If you’ll be returning to college in the fall, J.D. has some answers the question of whether it is possible to save money while there. (Read it at Get Rich Slowly)
  • For those about to enter the real world, Xin Lu has some great general advice.
    (Read it at WiseBread)
  • Post-college finances can be pretty basic, but sometimes bear repeating. Even if you’re used to managing your own money, here are some great reminders of four simple things you can do to get yourself sorted. (Read it at FiveCentNickel)
  • In college? Out of college? The Madame is looking for singles. Not that Madame. And not one dollar bills! She means single people looking for love– financially compatible love! (Read it at MyOpenWallet)
  • In the news arena, here’s something I didn’t expect to see anytime soon: federal employees given the option to live their pension to their partner.
  • And in global news, I love the way the Italians are blatantly defying conservatives who say women can’t breast-feed in public and that gays can’t get married. Civil disobedience is a beautiful thing.

Flashback: I just started biking to work, and even though it takes much longer, it’s way more satisfying. Martinique though was way ahead of me on this, as she writes about the numerous benefits of biking.