gaybusiness.jpgIs coming out such a great financial decision?
My own personal experience is minimal; I’m not ‘flaming gay’ at my day job, but those who talk with me regularly, know. Nothing too severe has happened and I’m thankful for that.
It was after reading Joe’s comments about Mike Jones that I thought about the idea of how coming out not only can affect you by possibly losing your job, but can also have effects on you from the gay community as well. No matter what you think about what Mike did, it has had a financial effect on his life.

I was listening to a conservative radio talk show shortly after this ‘outing’ happened and the show host mentioned how it was career suicide for Mike to bring this out in the open as his job would depend on the secrecy of the individuals that came to him. I assumed, and obviously I was wrong, that the gay community would back him. But to read that Mike is not only Unemployed, but unemployable, makes me grit my teeth.

Mike was a personal trainer at the time of the pastor’s outing and if sources are true, that would mean then that those who praised Mike for his courage would need to put their money where their mouth is. I find it interesting that on the heels of the lawn companies’ decision to not provide services to gays; they are doing better financially than before.

I don’t know if I will ever be able to answer the question I posed at the beginning of this, but I do know that no matter whether the outcome is good or bad, we need to support those people who are part of our community. This is another good reason to pick up the GLBT business directory in your area, if you find one. ( Like the pink pages)