“Opportunity is just success looking for a place to happen.” — Greg Hickman

My partner, Jeanine, recently bought a new set of clubs so we have been on golf kick lately. With golf, you’re allowed to take a mulligan a few times throughout a social round. We use the mulligan freely. It’s a game. It’s supposed to be fun. A mulligan can turn a bad hole into a good one… a second chance, per se.

If life offered a financial mulligan now and then… what would you do-over?

Here’s my list:

1. I would have only bought used cars.
2. I would have started saving in my twenties.
3. I would have bought my first house sooner.
4. I would have waited until I was older & wiser to start my own business.
5. I would have only bought term life insurance.
6. I would have never carried a balance on my credit card.
7. I would have roommates to save money while I was renting.
8. I would have been more frugal.
9. I would have finished my Master’s degree.
10. I would have more assets and fewer liabilities.

What are some of yours?