I’ve seen the site before but never took the time to read it through; there is some good stuff. The site is The New American Dream and you could spend some time on this one.

I came across a contest they ran a while back. They asked the question of kids up to age 17, “What I Really Want That Money Can’t Buy.” The winning entry was by a 14 year old and she explained herself very well.

“What I really want that money can’t buy is unconditional love. As a kid, I need to know that no matter what happens, no matter what grades I get – I will be loved. So many of my friends have parents that work all the time. They are not sure their parents love them, I guess……”

You can read the rest by clicking on the essay title above. But they also have some wonderful essays from other kids as well, that you should read.

If I were to answer this question, I would say that I want courage and time, to enjoy all that is in the world. There is so much that I have yet to enjoy. A new sunset or sunrise, the smell of a flower I’ve never seen before, understanding people and cultures I haven’t met yet. This world is so vast, so overwhelming, that at times, I just keep my head down and stay in my own comfortable little world and don’t venture out very far. Courage and time, that would be it.

What would you want that Money can’t buy?