money_love.jpgI have read recently of couple’s who will keep a little side money or separate account. I realize that this may work for some people, however, I find it would complicate already sensitive money issues.

Perhaps I come from an old school of thought that once two people join together then their independence is gone, that would include money as well. My parents have been married to each other for almost 40 years, And they have had everything joint, If any disagreements over money came up they talked it over.

I have taken this guidance for myself and have a joint account with Surfgirl, never even considering a separate account. If there is a present we need to buy we take it out of the joint account. And around birthdays and Christmas, you just don’t ask questions accept to set up a budget on what you are buying each other.

Since Surfgirl has more hobbies than I do, we are conscience about how much money goes to each one, usually it is pretty small since she is at a stage where she just maintains her hobbies and the expenses are manageable. If we don’t have the money for it, she holds off until we do or she asks for what she needs for birthday or Christmas.

I don’t believe there is one way perfect way to do it. It all comes down to two things, trust and give/take. I guess in my mind having separate accounts means there is some aspect of trust that is missing. And if you have a healthy relationship of give and take, having a joint account or not shouldn’t be an issue.

Recently I was reading a good article from Michelle Singletary in the Boston Globe about this same thing:
Leave the romance out of finances.

“I often find that some couples go to great lengths to complicate their financial lives in the name of romance…..It’s not true that a marriage has got to always be a 50/50 partnership. The less money one spouse spends means more money left in the family till — and that benefits everyone.”