AfterEllen.comWelcome readers! If this is your first visit to Queercents, then here are a few highlights to introduce you to the site. Queercents is a personal finance blog which means we like to talk about money… to be more precise, we write by serving up daily tips, anecdotes, and epiphanies about spending, saving, earning, investing and all things financial.

Money spends the same whether it is carried in a purse or a wallet. At Queercents, we don’t really care about sexual orientation… but at times it might impact our perspective on money and that’s something that you’ll likely never find in an issue of SmartMoney or Kiplinger’s.

It’s also worth noting that we don’t pretend to be licensed financial professionals. Technically, Allison is a legitimate accountant, but the rest of us are working stiffs in a variety of professions just willing to share our financial quests… kind of like the money equivalent to group therapy. You can read all About Us by clicking on the link.

We’ve been posting for almost a year so we have lots of great articles in the archives. You can access this content through the search tool in the upper-right hand corner. We have a couple of weekly features: Ten Money Questions (interviews with prominent people in the LGBT community), Sleeping with Money (that should be self-explanatory) and WWYD (as in What Would You Do… Jesus is free to comment too).

Our finances run the gamut with age and experience. Erin is in college, John is obsessed with tracking expenses, Rich has ideas about investing and Paula’s posts are full of career insights and general tips. Currently, Allison is writing a ten-part Tax Series. Since April 15th (or should I say April 17th) is just around the corner… it’s worth pointing you to the links:

I try to play the role of fearless leader when I’m not stalking Suze Orman or killing time on Zillow.

We hope you check back daily or better yet, please subscribe via RSS Feed or via Email (upper right-hand corner). Thanks for stopping by.

We’re here, we’re queer, and we’re not going shopping without coupons!